Thursday, December 3, 2020

Breast and belly movements from behind

  This video shows the movements of the middle and the breast of the belly dancer, both from behind. Notice how the dancer moves her behind to the left and right according to the beat. She would then lean to the left, and do a half turn (her face to the camera smiling) visit video , using her hips to dance for the beat. Notice that the moving is not very fast like the one at the start. After that move, she would do a half turn to the right and this time, and follow the beat with her breast; she’s not moving to the left and right, but in and out. Notice the moves and the stops.

and look for images from arabic movies

 The hips, behind, and breast do not move separately from each other, but in harmony. Also, the legs are important because they help to make the moves as far as possible from robotic. Then, she will turn, her back to the camera, and repeat the fast moves of her middle and behind. The moves are then slower, to the left and right, going oppositely from the breast part (middle to the left and breast to the right, and vice versa). Again, we can notice that she turns to the left (slower this time), and makes the same moves as before. At the end, she turns to the right, and this time uses her breast going in and out to the beat while still moving video from youtube channel.

---- The dancer starts with dancing using the movement of her wrists while making a ‘circle’ with her hands at her sides. Both hands go up to above her head, they cross, and then back to their original starting point. Then the move continues when the hands go up from in front of the body of the dancer while they are crossed, and go up above her head. Later, they continue their circle to the sides, and go back to the starting point. All of these movements are done while the wrists and palms are also moving. Then, the dancer places one hand on her hip, turns a bit to the side, and makes a circle with the other hand (still moving the wrist and palm), going from down to above her head, and then goes down in a line down in front of her body. The same move is done with the other hand. In the same position, the dancer then starts the hand move from in front of her (as if she was pointing to something), to above her head, and down in a line in front of her face. Then the dancer moves her hands while crossed up in front of her body and face, and down. Then, with her hands in a ‘T’ shape at the side of her body, the dancer starts moving her shoulders. The moves of her hands are like slow waves. Also, her hands and palms are moving to make a better effect to the whole movement. Notice how her body is also swaying.


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