Sunday, December 6, 2020

belly and middle moves with the breast

This POST shows the dancer combining the belly and middle moves with the breast. She starts with moving the hips to the left and right according to the beat. She then stops the middle movements to help her have control over the movements of the breast. She makes her breast go left and right still following the beat; her shoulders are also helping. Notice how with all the moves, she still manages to keep her hands also moving slower than the rest to keep balance with the beat. Then her moves take on a round turn. Her hips, middle and belly are moving in round motions, as well as the breast following another round motions.

However, the hips, middle and belly’s moves are more apparent than the breast’s moves. At the stops of the beat, she is using her breast, moving it in and out, so she will always be able to follow the beat given (her hands are around the hips). Her moves after focus more on the hips and middle. The breast is not an active participant in the moves which follow. The hips are moving to the left, following the beat at the left, and then to the right following the beat at the right. Then, to keep on changing, now she follows the beat with her breast moving left and right fast. She stops for less than a second, her hands up on her head, her legs are a little more apart, and she moves all her hips and middle to the left and right.


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