Tuesday, December 29, 2020

media of musicality and concordance

Concerning the abstract workmanship and the melodic expressions, Aristotle thought about epic verse, misfortune, satire, Dithyrambic verse and music to be mimetic or imitative craftsmanship, each fluctuating in impersonation by medium, object, and manner.[14] For instance, music mirrors with the media of musicality and concordance, while dance emulates with cadence alone, and verse with language. The structures additionally vary in their object of impersonation. ----

---- Satire, for example, is an emotional impersonation of men more awful than normal; though misfortune mimics men marginally better than normal. Ultimately, the structures vary in their way of impersonation—through story or character, through change or no change, and through dramatization or no drama.[15] Aristotle accepted that impersonation is normal to humanity and comprises one of humankind's preferences over animals.


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