Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sheik Hamad with the Russian president Vladimir Putin

With the help of his family, Hamad assumed responsibility for the nation in 1995 while his dad was an extended get-away abroad.[11] While his dad Khalifa canister Hamad Al Thani was in Geneva, Switzerland, Hamad receptacle Khalifa dismissed him in a bloodless upset d'état.[13] The affidavit came after an altercation between Hamad container Khalifa and his dad, who had a go at recapturing a portion of the position he presented to Hamad in mid 1995.[12] Thereafter, his dad lived in a state of banishment in France and Abu Dhabi[13] until he got back to Qatar in 2004. Hamad then connected with an American law office to freeze his dad's ledgers abroad to prevent a potential countercoup.[11] However, a counter-upset was endeavored against Hamad in February 1996 under the authority of previous Economy Minister Hamad canister Jassim container Hamad Al Thani. The overthrow fizzled, and a few of Qatar's conventional Arab partners were ensnared in the plot, specifically Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt.[14] In a break with the conventional job, his second spouse Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned has been an obvious supporter for training and kids' causes.[11] ----

---- Hamad with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 21 September 2010 A sportsman[15] and a cultivated jumper, Hamad has assumed a functioning part in advancing and creating games in Qatar.[citation needed] His activism has improved the nation's inclusion and execution in various global rivalries, including: winning an Olympic decoration in olympic style sports; facilitating a wide assortment of worldwide games, for example, the fifteenth Asian Games, GCC, Asian and World Youth soccer titles; and starting the Qatar Open Tennis Championship which has developed to get one of two chief tennis rivalries in the Middle East. Under his standard the Qatari government assisted with financing the Al Jazeera news network by an emiri decree.[16] In an examination of Al Jazeera, Hugh Miles said that representatives from different nations realize that the Emir is the genuine force behind Al Jazeera however he additionally cites an organization representative denying 'on many occasions' this allegation, adding that numerous free news sources likewise have appropriations from their separate governments without this suggesting publication fiddling and disclosing that attempting to constrain the sort of writers Al Jazeera has would resemble attempting to 'group cats'.[17] Sheik Hamad is a far off cousin of the organization executive, Hamad receptacle Thamer Al Thani, who was already Minister of Information in the Emir Al-Thani government. Following the underlying US$137 million award from Emir Al-Thani, Al Jazeera had expected to get independent through promoting by 2001, however when this neglected to happen, the Emir consented to a few sequential loans[17] on a year-by-year premise (US$30 million in 2004,[18] as per Arnaud de Borchgrave). At a 3 October 2001 question and answer session, Colin Powell attempted to convince Sheik Hamad to close down Al Jazeera while the New York-based association Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting remarked that in those endeavors, "Powell and other U.S. authorities were allegedly resentful about the channel re-circulating old meetings with receptacle Laden and the incorporation of visitors that are excessively incredulous of the United States on its programs."[19][20] The Washington Post detailed in 2005 that Sheik Hamad was feeling the squeeze to privatize the network.


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