Friday, December 18, 2020

nearly say in the equivalent word

It is an unpredictable framework, composing allegorical, emblematic, and phonetic at the same time, in a similar content, a similar expression, I would nearly say in the equivalent word. Most non-determinative hieroglyphic signs are phonograms, whose significance is controlled by articulation, free of visual qualities. This follows the rebus guideline where, for instance, the image of an eye could stand for the English word eye, yet additionally for its phonetic same, the principal individual pronoun I. ----

---- Phonograms framed with one consonant are called uniliteral signs; with two consonants, biliteral signs; with three, triliteral signs. 24 uniliteral signs make up the supposed hieroglyphic letters in order. Egyptian hieroglyphic composing doesn't typically show vowels, in contrast to cuneiform, and therefore has been named by nearly an abjad letters in order, i.e., a letter set without vowels.


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