Sunday, December 6, 2020

To be able to take the fullest advantage of the belly dancing lessons

This video shows the combination of all the previous lessons to help exercise and better the dancing. Following the beat, the dancer starts with two moves of her hips, one to the left and the other to right. As the beat gets faster, she half turns with her side facing the camera, has her hand up to the air and the other down to her hips, and she moves her hips to the beat; at the same time, her knees are going up and down. When she turns to the other side, she performs the same movements. She then faces the camera, and moves her hip to the right. Her second move involves the breast when she starts moving her shoulders to the left and right following the beat. Her hands are spread at her side, and she is shifting her weight to the left and right leg simultaneously. Then her hands go up above her head, and going down, doing round movements around her body. She then moves her shoulder and breast, and shifts her weight left and right, all to the beat. To her side again, the dancer uses her hip to make round motions, and then pushes her hip forward to the beat. She repeats the movements of the shifting but moves her hip in round on the other side. Facing the camera, she starts jerking her belly, while still moving her hands all around to give the balance. She moves to the left with her hips, and keep moving her belly at that side. She then moves to the right, and then starts shifting her weight again, to the left and right, with her hands again spread graciously. After that, her hands go down to her hips, and with one still on the hips, the other moves to the opposite side, all while still moving her hips and shifting her weight. The same move is again repeated with the other hand visit.

To be able to take the fullest advantage of the belly dancing lessons, each move should be practiced again and again. Every move and combination of moves are very important to perfect. Without constant practice, you will not be able to continue to the complete moves and combination of the belly dancing. Practicing the movements should be repeated many times. The first moves that you have learned with this tutorial are the basic ones, this is why they should be perfected. While dancing, do not forget to always smile. Give attention to opening your elbow so it wouldn’t be in front of your face. Know the importance of moving the middle, the hips, and all parts of the legs while dancing. All the movements that you have already practiced will be combined in a complete set of belly dancing. Later the moves will have to be following music and not only beats. To be able to perform complete dances, you should have practiced all the moves of the breast, the middle, and hand, to be able to combine them all together, and be able to understand where these moves came from. Step by step, you will be able to finally perform belly dancing very well.


At December 10, 2020 at 11:34 AM , Blogger To Read said...

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