Thursday, December 10, 2020

How to control breast

This video shows one of the most important moves of the belly dancing which is the jerking. The parts of your body that will help you with the jerking are your feet, your knees, and your pelvis. Your first practice would be moving your knees (the left one and the right one simultaneously) to the front, using your feet and heels. Start with slow moves, and then go faster and faster. ----

---- This video will show you how you will be able to control the movement of the breast. The dance will move her hips and middle to one side, and her breast to the other. Notice how she continue the moving while slightly having her breast moving in and out, that it is hardly noticed. The dancer then turn a little to the side, and moves her breast up and out, and then down and in. The belly is making the same moves; when the breast is up and out, so is the stomach and belly, when the breast if down and in, the belly also comes in. The back also is helping with the moves. To go up, the movement start from the middle and to the breast; the same is with going down. The dancer then will make the same moves and add a round motion to the breast, from up to down. The moves are made facing the camera, and then to the side, giving a profile view. Then, the moves are doubled: the breast moves two times up, and two times down (facing the camera and to both of the sides). To the round moves, the dancer spreads her legs a bit and she moves her shoulders. Then the moves, up and down and round, are all combined on all the sides.


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